Thursday, September 01, 2011

Welcome to Wisconsin!

Wisconsin is so green and beautiful. I don't think I have see so much green. Emma was actually excited to see a dirt lot the other day. It must be that Arizona is ingrained in me - I like to see a little bit of the brown stuff. So, when it was time to take Austin's 7 year old pix - is he really that old?!? - I went for the sand. Which happen to be the lovely shores of Lake Michigan. We'll celebrate the Wiconsin trees later. For now, enjoy the amazing contrast of sky, sand, water, and plants - with my cute kiddos in the mix.

Good bye Arizona

How appropriate - one of the last few days in Arizona, I spent it taking photos of our dear friends. The smiles are adorable, and the "other" expressions are just as cute. It is so fun to see the personalities coming through - The girls rocking the cute outfits, the toddler doing only what they had to before he tried to run away again, and the baby so cute and loved by his family. We miss you guys!