Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Arizona Fun

We recently moved back to Arizona after a year in Nebraska. I forgot how amazing the winter weather is here. There is a lot that has kept us busy here: hanging out together as a family, hobbies, photography (or course :) ), volunteering at church, trips home, etc. Sometimes I'll have a day that is just pure fun. Our two kids help me remember that there is fun even in the simplest things. My boy is curious about everything! He especially loves his cars. He will line them up every where in the house. My girl can't get enough with life. She has to try everything out, and that includes everything big brother is doing. They are wonderful! According to my son, he has the "best dad in the whole wide world." I would have to agree. He is so supportive of me and all I try to do. He loves his family and does amazing things for them.

Sorry about all of the mushy stuff. :) My family has been my focus. Life is so much better with them!

Until next time,

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