Monday, February 23, 2009

Too good not to blog about...

So picture this - I'm snuggled in bed, very comfortable, trying to catch up on some sleep from this weekend. When I hear my 3 1/2 year old tip toe into my room (yes, she and her brother are supposed to be having a nap as well). "Mom, I'm a boy!" I open my blurry eyes and see Emma standing there and she does look different, but it takes me a moment - here is what I saw:

And this is what I sent to Todd's phone...

What!?! The hair cut is compliments of our residence barber - Austin. This hair cut was very thorough - the whole head of hair was cut to about an inch long.

And this is the leftovers - is it a bush? a small mammal? no, it's what use to be Emma's hair.

My Little Pony wasn't even safe from the Austin and his "child friendly" scissors.

It has taken over 3 years of only trims to get Emma's hair the length it use to be.

You don't know how many times I heard, "what cute boys you have" when she was younger and had less hair. I guess there will be a lot more of those comments for the next while. How long does it take to grow hair out? 1 year? 2? 3? Is she going to go to kindergarten looking like a boy? :)

Here are my "2 boys." I told them now I wouldn't be able to tell which one was Emma and which was Austin.

So, let's take a vote. How do you think I should style her hair, now that she has none?

A mohawk?


Slicked down?

Or should I just revert back to the little pink bow glued into her hair?!?!?

A big thank you to Miss Kristen who encouraged perfection in cutting at the Funshine preschool. It wouldn't have been as amazing without you! lol

And remember - if you need a hair cut I know a barber - and he is cheap. :)


~Hartwig Family~ said...

You know whoever said they were child friendly scissors are silly! Those suckers cut stuff and plenty of it.. MY VOTE is.. the cute bow glued to her head or a headband with a big bow! :-)
I shouldn't be laughing but I am because I totally remember cutting my own hair in my closet at the age of 5 and man was I in TROUBLE.. she is so cute either way.. Thank goodness it grows back and hopefully in a shorter amount of time! Laughing is the best medicine.. Thanks!

The Meehl Family said...

HILARIOUS!!! I only think so because we've gone through this so many times! I couldn't breathe the first time Maddie cut her hair! I say gel it in to short curls...add a headband...out the door in 10 seconds...hmmm...maybe we need Austin to cut our hair... said...

WOW!!! Julie!!!! I was in pure shock.... I mean when you see kids experimenting with cutting hair, it’s usually a strand here and there but this is an amazing cut! This is a cut from a miniature engineer who can get down to business!!! I can't even imagine how you acted when you first saw this. I believe I would have cried for a good hour or so... I will be searching for every sharp object (or remotely) sharp and will putting them in a box very high. It’s just a good thing that little Miss Emma is such a cutie and can pull off short hair!!! I opt for glued on bow and definitely parted on the side. P.S. We need to meet up sometime.

Andrea said...

JULIE!!! Oh my goodness! I can't believe Austin is still alive?? But I agree, Emma has such a cute little face and sweet personality that she still too adorable. I vote for dying it pink - no one will call her a boy then!

Heather said...

Todd, showed us this the other night! I couldn't believe it! I wouldn't have been happy at all! Luckly, (knock on wood) we haven't gone through this yet. She is super cute! I like the big bow idea!!

Wetzel said...

I do need a haircut...too bad I'm not closer, and I don't want to be a boy.

She looks really cute!

SmileKatieLovesYou said...

Oh my goodness! Emma and Austin are professionals! :) This is too cute! I am going to miss them.... :(. Call me to babysit sometime!

April Varga said...

OH! I love this. All kids do it at least once, right? I know I did. It only took once!

April Varga said...

OH! I love this. All kids do it at least once, right? I know I did. It only took once!