Saturday, February 16, 2008

A fever, a fat lip, and a popsicle

Today was quite a day for Emma. Her fever from yesterday was still here. My little monkey preferred laying down in bed to playing and running around. That is a red flag that she isn't feeling well. So, I gave her some medicine to help with the fever and cough and she started acting more like her self. Her and Austin were running around and climbing on the furniture (a big no-no, but I guess that's half the fun), and she got hurt. Here is the scenario - little sister on the foot rest of the recliner, big brother decides to put the foot rest down, and little sister falls head first into the tile. Here are the battle wounds:

There is no surer way to get a popsicle than with a fever and a fat lip. Let's see if Emma can survive Austin. :)

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