Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

This afternoon we had a fun Valentine surprise from Grandpa Gardner. The kids and I got flowers, balloons and candy. My flowers are very beautiful!

And the kids LOVED the balloons and candy. Can you tell from the picture?

This was Emma this afternoon while taking her nap. There was no letting go of it. It is so fun seeing the excitement and joy of life that comes from the simplelist things in life. So innocent. Austin and Emma ran around the house the whole day playing with their ballons (which frequently meant hitting the other person with the balloon). I told them that they could have their candy after they finished their lunch. Austin finished first and thought he was "so cool" when I handed him the whole bag of fun-size m&ms - a first for him. He would take a few and then save them in the fridge for later. Then a couple minutes later he was back getting more.
We had a lot of fun yesterday! Thanks Grandpa!
So hold on to the joy even your during a nap. Happy Valentine's Day

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