Friday, June 27, 2008

Austin's Big Step

Since Austin has been little he has hated water on his face. In the bath he would freak out if any microscopic drop of water got on his face. And then there was the time last year when we all went to a splash pad. Emma is running through the water with no fear. Then, Austin backs up to the water and got 3 drops of water on his back and ran away from the water because he was " all wet." Well, times have changed.

He now is a swimmer. He has been taking swim lessons and has an awesome swim teacher who somehow encourages Austin out of his comfort zone while still keeping it fun. A big thank you to Braden and Gold Medal Swim School for the transformation! The video I posted is just a small portion of what he did today for the first time. He also decided it was OK to swim from the middle of the pool back to the step by himself (it was some amazing doggie paddling!!) and with dad's help, swim down to the bottom of the pool to get the rings.

Check out today's swim:


~Hartwig Family~ said...

I love it!!
P.S. I love the hiccups in the movie!

Julie said...

Thanks...but I was hoping no one would notice!!! :)